понедельник, 23 мая 2011 г.

More kids getting hooked on fishing - Winnipeg Free Press


It has been three years since I took on the job of getting more young kids involved in the sport of fishing in the role of provincial youth angling coordinator. In that time youth participation in seven different program areas has increased substantially.


One program, however, that needs more participation is probably my favourite because it gets right into the school system. Maybe your community and school would interested in a visit from our Reel Solutions for Youth travelling education tour? Through a grant from the Fisheries Enhancement Fund we are able to continue on with our program for another year. We plan to visit four locations in Manitoba during May and June during the school year. This would be a one day visit with a couple of hours of instruction and some fishing thrown in for good measure. At the end of the day, our participants will be able to walk home with their own fishing gear.


The main objectives of this project are to: provide on-site education opportunities to communities throughout Manitoba as a way to make inroads in community schools and curriculums; develop long-term youth fishing activity through clubs and schools; and promote the benefits of recreational angling to Manitoba's youth towards building self-esteem and life coping skills.


For the last two years, Reel Solutions has visited the community of Lac Du Bonnet. Janice Leroux, the principal of Centennial School, says the program has had a tremendous impact on those who have participated. She believes all of the objectives listed above have been accomplished and then some.


This year the event will be held May 27 at the town dock. The Lac du Bonnet Wildlife Association has taken over responsibility for the "Reel Solutions for Youth" program to continue the legacy started by the Walleye Classic.


President Gerry Arbez and his group of volunteers will once again provide a hot lunch for the Grade 6 class of Centennial School.


If your school or community is interested in a one day visit from our Reel Solutions for Youth team, visit us online at www.youthangler.ca.



ANGLERS NOTES: It's been a frustrating couple of weeks for friend Jim Price and I. We had planned to go fishing for three days earlier in the week. Unfortunately reports from areas that were open were not that positive. Some friends had gone to Grand Rapids last weekend with poor results for both pike and stocked trout. Meantime we thought of heading to the Rainy River for some open-water walleye, but a sudden melt and the opening up of the tributaries muddied the water. Believe me you don't want to try to catch walleye when the water is the colour of chocolate milk.


While walleye have trouble finding your bait in these conditions, sturgeon continue to feed aggressively.


Hooked Magazine Editor Steven Wintemute has invited me down for some sturgeon action later in the month on the Rainy near Baudette. Last year he and a couple of friends got into some spectacular fishing for these prehistoric creatures. You can see all the action on the Hooked website at www.hookedmagazine.ca.


That video will get your adrenalin pumping!

Twelve Monkeys



Source: http://www.winnipegfreepress.com

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