вторник, 24 мая 2011 г.

Alaskan fishing guide pleads no contest to illegal game animal possession - The Bozeman Daily Chr...

An Alaskan fishing guide pleaded no contest in Gallatin County District Court Monday to four felony counts of unlawful possession of game animals.

Michael "Mike" P. Duby, 36, told Judge Mike Salvagni it was in his best interest to neither confirm nor deny the charges as part of a plea agreement that carries a punishment of 20 years probation, prohibits him from every hunting again, and requires him to pay $15,500 in fines and restitution. Salvagni has not yet approved the deal.

Penalties reduced in fishing case - DailyPress.net | News, Sports, Jobs, Escanaba Information | The...


SAULT STE. MARIE - A recent appeals decision in tribal court has reversed or modified sentences against three Rapid River men found guilty of 79 fishing-related violations last year. Details on the court decision have been made available to the Daily Press.

Andrew Schwartz, John Schwartz and Kevin Schwartz - brothers and members of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians - were sentenced in August by a tribal judge. Each had their right to fish taken away permanently and were ordered to pay $13,175 in fines and costs and $15,214 in restitution.

Maori forced to use cheap Asian fishing boats

THL appoints independent adviser Vital Healthcare internalises management contract Argosy to internalise management contrac Agents fired for 'come to open day' letter Maori forced to use cheap Asian fishing boats Telecom continues weight loss plan Job market tightens as workers look around Supermarkets battle through challenges Property for Industry takes a hit Internet gambling sites owners charged with fraud

понедельник, 23 мая 2011 г.

Fishing Report: April 29, 2011

Coastwide - Heavy winds and surf are forecast for the Southern Oregon Coast through the weekend, and that will put a damper on spring jigging for black rockfish and lingcod. Conditions could simmer down early next week for some early-morning jaunts to near-shore rock piles and kelp beds in search of lingcod. Big black or glow-in-the-dark jigs will be best.

More kids getting hooked on fishing - Winnipeg Free Press


It has been three years since I took on the job of getting more young kids involved in the sport of fishing in the role of provincial youth angling coordinator. In that time youth participation in seven different program areas has increased substantially.


One program, however, that needs more participation is probably my favourite because it gets right into the school system. Maybe your community and school would interested in a visit from our Reel Solutions for Youth travelling education tour? Through a grant from the Fisheries Enhancement Fund we are able to continue on with our program for another year. We plan to visit four locations in Manitoba during May and June during the school year. This would be a one day visit with a couple of hours of instruction and some fishing thrown in for good measure. At the end of the day, our participants will be able to walk home with their own fishing gear.

понедельник, 16 мая 2011 г.

Ловля пескаря

Ловят пескаря с помощью поводочной и поплавочной удочек. Лучшими приманками служат черви, личинки насекомых. Наживку пускайте так чтобы она шла в притирку ко дну, возможно даже чиркала или волочилась по нему. Набольших успехов в ловле пескаря можно добиться при использовании прикормки. Чтобы привлечь пескаря к месту ловли, поворошите донный грунт. Этот способ называется ловля в забродку. Суть состоит в следующем – зайдите в воду, повыше переката, где держатся пескари и взмутите её ногами. По этой взвеси пескарь поднимается вверх и может безбоязненно ткнуться носом в сапоги рыболова.

Губернатор: в Новосибирской области останется бесплатная рыбалка

Губернатор Новосибирской области Василий Юрченко сообщил, что в Новосибирской области не планируется вводить запрет на бесплатную рыбалку.

По информации пресс-службы губернатора и правительства, отвечая на вопросы в рамках «часа правительства» на сессии Законодательного собрания Новосибирской области, Василий Юрченко разъяснил суть инвентаризации водоемов, которая охватила более чем 900 озер и рек региона.